Classic TBC DPS Class Tier List: What is WOW ...

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upamfva 12 ¾ÄȨԡÒ¹ 2564 , 10:52:36
Classic TBC DPS Class Tier List: What is WOW Burning Crusade Classic Best DPS Class

Beast Mastery Hunters are absolute powerhouses in The Burning Crusade. While Hunters may have been off-meta and not sought after in WoW Classic, that all changes in TBC Classic — Hunters are one of the strongest DPS classes for the entire expansion, topping meters with incredible single-target damage output. This is because in TBC Classic pets finally scale with your stats, enabling them to do real damage at max level and scale with gear. In addition to tearing up the meters, Beast Mastery Hunters bring Ferocious Inspiration IconFerocious Inspiration as an incredible party buff that is highly-valued in both raids and dungeons.To get more news about buy wow items, you can visit lootwowgold official website.

Destruction Warlock
Warlocks are the best DPS in TBC. They provide raids with various curse to debuff boss encounters. Meanwhile, their utility is top-notch as well through the use of Health Stones and Soul Stones that increase raid survivability. Destruction Warlock will provide the highest DPS and many raids will run four or more. Having one Affliction Warlock in the raid specifically for debuffs will amplify the raid’s damage as well.

A-Tier DPS Classes
Elemental Shaman
Elemental Shaman start off extremely strong in Burning Crusade Classic, as they obtain a massive amount of Spell Hit and Spell Crit from their talents. The extra hit allows them to reach the Spell Hit cap very early, without needing to go out of their way to acquire Spell Hit gear. They also bring the new Bloodlust / Heroism effect, which does not cause a debuff in Burning Crusade Classic and is the prime ability to stack in a min-maxing raid. They are the best support for casters groups, bringing the caster equivalent of Strength of Earth Totem and Windfury Totem, Wrath of Air Totem and Totem of Wrath, which both increase the damage done and lower the Spell Hit required by their group. They also have a powerful DPS cooldown in Elemental Mastery, which can be combined with Chain Lightning to create massive burst damage on demand.

Arcane Mage
In Burning Crusade Classic, Mages are among the most useful damage dealers to any group or raid, providing some of the highest DPS in the game along with unique and powerful utility. When it comes to pure damage, Mages fall behind only the two strongest classes, Warlocks and Hunters. However, they are still able to hold their own and compete even with them. This is true for all Phases. Mages provide some of the most useful utility in the game: controlling mobs with Polymorph and Frost Nova, buffing Intelligence with Arcane Intellect, and supplying the raid with conjured food and water. Food and water becomes an all-in-one package in TBC with Conjure Refreshment Table! The expansion also gives Mages a fancy new trick in Spellsteal, which is even essential to the High King Maulgar fight in Gruul's Lair.